Soy Muy Aburrido


One Brave Soul Walked Through the Canals. . . . .

And, brother, you have got to be brave-or stupid-to walk through there! They found a torso back there, dude! A friggin’ torso!

So, I’m sorry about the lack of posts lately. I have come to realize that my problem is my subject matter has become boring for me-which, in turn, makes my whole process of creation tedious and boring for me. So, after I finish editing the photos I currently have, I’m going to be really slowing down. I won’t be taking anymore photos of the same little islands off the same Mexican coast. No more evenings watching the same sun disappear into the same briny horizon. No more Malecón. Possibly some more photos of the border (it’s getting more and more Berlin Wall-like down here). But no more of the damn beach. And, I’m sorry-I love you guys very much-but no more of the doggies. At least for a bit, okay? At least for a bit.

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