Current Projects: October 6-October 29th, 2014, Part One


Look Into My Eyes Forever

Oh, my God, what a time I have had sharing my current projects with you! I ended up having to email the photos to my husband, upload them from his device, then go back and add the other content from my device!

Ridiculous, no?

Anyway, as you can see, the last few weeks have been busy, indeed. Not only did I have to begin work anew on the second half of the Eye project (the first one kind of grew too large in my quest for a perfect circle, LOL), but I have also begun preparing to start a new blog designed specifically as a place to share the collaborative work of my husband and myself.


Strong Female Role Model

Ludmilla here (a real-life Soviet sniper from World War II with the highest number of dead Nazis–plus, a woman doing a job that we ladies still are not allowed to have in the United States) is going to be one of our first major projects. My husband (Mark January, aka “Tiger”) drew her, and I am working with editing the image. Share her with your daughters. Say to them, “see, you can be anything–don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.” Do it because there are so very many of us ladies who still are raised to be aware that we are less than human, right here in the United States.


At The Santa Muerte Shrine

Also, I have been experimenting with different filters, trying to recreate the waterchroma effect from scratch. It’s not quite right, yet–but I like where it’s going!


Don’t Fall In! Negative

Finally, I have located my missing external sd card! So, I once again have all of my original photos from the past 18 months ready for editing &/or sharing. The second page of this “Current Projects” is all photos thought lost and now found again 🙂

Enjoy, and thanks for your patience! I have sent in a request asking for help with my uploading issue from WordPress, so (hopefully), this will soon be a non-issue.

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